Recent Replies

  • Replying to: @holgerfrohloff

    @holgerfrohloff Da fehlte ein emoji am Ende: 😅

  • Replying to:

    @leitmedium Das ist wieder so ein Satz, bei welchem „wenigerteuer“ zusammen geschrieben werden sollte, imho.

  • Replying to:

    @rug_b Das stimmt. 🤤🫣

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    @marekfort Thank you very much. It means a lot to me to get so much positive feedback.

  • Replying to:

    @leitmedium Ich fand Schloss Drachenburg sehr interessant, aber ist halt nen Stück auswärts.

  • @heyloura I believe I didn't mention you correctly, so you might not see that post Sorry, if you get this twice…

  • Replying to:

    @eljojo I am just re-discovering my affection for it as well.

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    @kleinheld Welcome! 🤗

  • Replying to: @toddgrotenhuis

    @toddgrotenhuis Yes you are right about that. I am wondering whether I'll skip Liveship Traders and jump to Tawny Man right away. But since my online library had neither in stock I decided to read something else for now. Will come back to Tawny Man in a few weeks, I think.

  • Replying to:

    @dieliebenessy Ich drücke die Daumen. Wie weit entfernt bist du denn von der Treppe, die dich nach unten bringt, um dann zum Gleis zu sprinten? Eventuell besteht die Möglichkeit im Zug bereits Meter gut zu machen? :D

  • Replying to:

    @manton @numericcitizen Great video. I watched it on mobile and had trouble to see everything on the browser, unfortunately. But I learned something. Thanks for sharing!

  • Replying to:

    @holgerfrohloff I've actually started reading the last part a few days ago. I simply forgot to let you know 😉 It's again very captivating and I cannot wait to know how it continues.

  • Replying to:

    @leitmedium Als nächstes benötige ich noch einen bodenlosen Siebträger, um zu sehen wie der Kaffee fließt… Bisher ist es schwierig das gut zu beobachten. Halt lediglich den Puck von oben… Hihi es ist so lustig darüber zu philosophieren und so überflüssig 😇

  • Replying to:

    @leitmedium Ich habe seit Weihnachten ein WDT Tool, welches ich gern nutze. Es macht Spaß, damit den Kaffee zu verfeinern und es fühlt sich gut an. Das Kaffeemehl statisch aufgeladen wird und kleben bleibt habe ich noch gar nicht gehabt.

  • Replying to: @V_

    @V_ when I used the form I saw nothing at all

  • Replying to:

    @holgerfrohloff and now I've finished. Around two hours of streaming done. Aaaaand… I had my first guest in the chat. A nice person from Chile. We talked about their programming career and I gave some opinion on how to get started. I had major sound issues, still need to figure this out properly ☹️

  • Replying to:

    In response to @V_'s post I've read Silo, not Hive Minds so I can only answer to what I've understood from Silo. There the well-off people are able to more easily attend the cleaning and eat in the cafeteria. There is status associated with living up top because you can look at the sky through the big video screen. There is no inherent danger from the outside so further down isn't safer per se. Of course the air is dangerous but they don't live in danger every day.

  • Replying to:

    I feel what you are saying, @manton . But Microblog's uptime isn't good lately. Almost every day I get the notifications that my site's down. Yesterday between 9.30pm CET and 11.30pm CET it happened 5 times.

  • @heyloura the timestamp when looking at my own post in detail is long and hard to read for non-tech people The shorter form from the regular timeline should be used there as well, I think

  • @heyloura I just noticed that the padding on the post's replies needs some tweaking wdyt?